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Re^2: some suggestions for docreg

Am 30.04.98 schrieb Marcus.Brinkmann # ruhr-uni-bochum.de ...

Moin Marcus!

MB> Yes, a difficult matter. Do we need a different DocID for every
MB> translation, or do we use the same DocID and distinguish via Language:

A good question. If we use the first solution, dhelp doesn#t need the  
DocID tag.

MB> entry? Translations should be recognized as such, so the DocID should be
MB> the same?

Take for example the German HOWTOs. Some a really a translation of the  
English one, but some includes additional material. I think, the DocID  
shouldn#t be the same.

MB> I don't understand this. The unique mark is the DocID, maybe this should
MB> be used? Maybe I'm missing your point here...

You#re right. The second solution is to refer to the DocID of the English  
one. Or you can refer to the title of the English one. But there#s maybe a  
problem, if there#s no English version of the text (for example only  
French and German).

MB> > * "File: http://"; is the sign for an URL.
MB> Do we allow external links?

Yes, I think that is a good feature, for example we could include a link  
to the bug tracking system.

MB> PROPOSAL: I add a link to the Debian Home Page in the Debian Directory.
MB> This one link should be there as soon as doc-base is installed, I think.
MB> Do you agree that this makes sense? Doing this would mean to extend the

I#m not sure.

MB> purpose of DDH from a simple (who said that ;) directory structure to a
MB> default framework of sections and (one?, two??) default entries, like the
MB> following:

I don#t understand that.

MB> Format: html

No, this should be something like html-link.

MB> Language: en

Not necessary (default).

MB> You obviously forgot "Title:".

I haven#t forgotten it:

  Section: FAQ
  Abstract: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you really think, that we should have Abstract and Title for  
directories? I don#t know.

MB> I'm not sure how the "Language:" Tag should
MB> be handled in conjunction with "DocID", see above. The rest seems okay.

I#ve got the same problem. I#ve thought about the internal database of  
dhelp and I am not sure how to solve the problems introduced by Language:,  
but I think we should support it.

MB> Again, "Title:" is missing. I don't like the "File:" format for links.

Ok, we could use DirLink:?

MB> Links should be absolute to the root directory, this is more safe, makes
MB> it more easy to maintain


cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.de           Fido: 2:240/5202.15
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