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Re: Documenting packaging workflows (was: finally end single-person maintainership)

> I would be *very* interested in more in-depth write-ups of the workflows
> other DDs prefer to use, how they use them and what they think makes them
> better than the alternatives.

Packages of which I am not the creator:

salsa project and gbp

UNLESS they are qt/kde stuff

in which case

salsa project and debian/ directory kept on salsa, because that's how the team 
does it.

Packages of which I am the creator:

debian/ directory kept in the same tree as the rest of the project, then a 
Makefile to pretend that they are separate entities, that generates a .orig and 
then builds the whole thing extrating the .orig and placing the debin/ 
directory appropriately.

It is for this case that I would be annoyed by having to use salsa. Because 
the projects are not on salsa to begin with.

I'm also annoyed at the default ci configuration for salsa, because importing a 
project makes a CI start to run, then fail. Then I have to one by one point 
the CI file to something else, but the project will forever be "CI failing" and 
will be reported forever as such in my status page.

Salvo Tomaselli

"Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di
senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
                -- Galileo Galilei


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