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Re: finally end single-person maintainership

Bernd Zeimetz <bernd@bzed.de> writes:

> On Mon, 2024-05-20 at 20:47 +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> > 
>> > All these things should make it much more easy for other people or
>> > automated tools to send merge requests or keep maintaining a
>> > package in
>> > case the original maintainer becomes MIA.
>> Mandating a specific git layout is a big jump from not requiring a
>> VCS at all. 
> yes, its a big jump, but we are in 2024 and a modern workflow should be
> expected from a modern distribution.

Attempts at top-down imposition of new methods on Debian strike me as
being unlikely to induce joy in anyone involved.

After all, We're a self-selecting group of people who are prone to
repeatedly walking the road less travelled.

Do we even have a consensus on which layout is "best"?

DEP-14 exists, but that is still candidate status, and even if it were
accepted, it has a section "When to not follow the above recommendations"

I suspect that there's a decent chunk of developers who generally just
follow the status quo of every package they work on, without fuss.

I rather like dgit for reducing the extent I have to think about this
sort of thing, but I note that at least one person in this thread seems
vexed by it, so we cannot even agree on the merits of that, apparently.

Could it be that we mostly hear from the people at the extremities of
opinion on issues like this?  If so, I don't see how we're going to
establish a consensus, and without that it's not going to be easy (or
worthwhile) to pick a layout, nor to try and impose that on others.

For anyone with an opinion, I'd suggest that you should try to make sure
that DEP-14 reflects your opinion, and then work on getting people to
adopt the use of DEP-14 and/or get DEP-14 accepted.

That way, you'll be able to work towards consistency without having a
massive and pointless fight, that will be sure to harden some people's
opinion against you, making your wished-for outcome that much less

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. I don't really give a damn about this issue, and am happy to use
DEP-14 in general, or follow the current state of a particular package.
If DEP-14 were to change radically, I'd be willing to switch to new
recommendations, so if you care, please make it better if you can.
Philip Hands -- https://hands.com/~phil

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