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Re: AltGr+<Key> not working anymore on most Desktop apps in Gnome

On Sun, 2023-10-22 at 13:18 +0200, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> fixed the problem. It is strange this option seems to be affected by the 
> keyboard settings in gnome settings, however i changed all options back 
> and forth in the GUI so they should work, but it somehow didn't. 
> Resetting the option above fixed it. Since I've never used dconf before, 
> I guess there is a bug somewhere that lead to this situation.

Possibly not related, but a friend noted that after a recent Gentoo update
his compose key stopped working. Turned out to be a conflict between the
XkbOptions compose:ralt and grp:switch which were both enabled. Turns out
something has changed and if they're both set it won't work.


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew@etc.gen.nz         |
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