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Re: [idea]: Switch default compression from "xz" to "zstd" for .deb packages

M. Zhou wrote:
> Just one comment.
> Be careful if it bloats up our mirrors. Is there any estimate on
> the extra space cost for a full debian mirror?
> If we trade-off the disk space with decompression speed, zstd -19
> is not necessarily very fast. I did not benchmark, but it is slow.

Anecdotally, for "linux-image-6.5.0-1-amd64_6.5.3-1_amd64.deb" the
data.tar component takes 72 MB when compressed with xz -6, and 80 MB
when compressed with zstd -19, so about 10% larger with zstd.

This is specifically with multi-threaded compression. The behavior of
-T0 between xz and zstd is slightly different. (It looks like xz -T0
uses the number of threads supported by the CPU while zstd -T0 uses the
number of physical cores in the CPU.) The most direct multi-threaded
compression comparison between the two compressors was:

$ time xz -v -k -T0 -6 data.tar
data.tar (1/1)
  100 %        71.9 MiB / 452.5 MiB = 0.159    21 MiB/s       0:21

 Performance counter stats for 'xz -v -k -T0 -6 data.tar':

        206,070.39 msec task-clock                       #    9.602 CPUs utilized
            10,333      context-switches                 #   50.143 /sec
                35      cpu-migrations                   #    0.170 /sec
            73,502      page-faults                      #  356.684 /sec
   925,351,049,292      cycles                           #    4.490 GHz
   945,596,486,369      instructions                     #    1.02  insn per cycle
   106,039,632,660      branches                         #  514.580 M/sec
     6,702,750,057      branch-misses                    #    6.32% of all branches

      21.460119122 seconds time elapsed

     205.460711000 seconds user
       0.567559000 seconds sys


$ time zstd -T0 --auto-threads=logical -19 data.tar
data.tar             : 17.54%   (   452 MiB =>   79.3 MiB, data.tar.zst)

 Performance counter stats for 'zstd -T0 --auto-threads=logical -19 data.tar':

        293,120.46 msec task-clock                       #    8.649 CPUs utilized
            21,754      context-switches                 #   74.215 /sec
                78      cpu-migrations                   #    0.266 /sec
             9,806      page-faults                      #   33.454 /sec
 1,317,565,940,985      cycles                           #    4.495 GHz
 1,430,204,017,430      instructions                     #    1.09  insn per cycle
   266,246,644,005      branches                         #  908.318 M/sec
     5,762,322,300      branch-misses                    #    2.16% of all branches

      33.889831439 seconds time elapsed

     292.501337000 seconds user
       0.567560000 seconds sys

So, 71.9 MiB in 21 seconds for xz -6 versus 79.3 MiB in 34 seconds for
zstd -19. In other words, xz is 91% the size and 63% the wallclock time
of zstd here.

zstd decompression is much, much faster than xz decompression, but
apparently zstd does not support multi-threaded decompression while xz
does. Here xz decompresses in about 120% the wallclock time of zstd
(about 0.6 seconds for xz vs 0.5 seconds for zstd) but is only able to
perform that well by occupying most of the CPU:

$ time xzcat -v -T12 data.tar.xz > /dev/null
data.tar.xz (1/1)
  100 %        71.9 MiB / 452.5 MiB = 0.159

 Performance counter stats for 'xzcat -v -T12 data.tar.xz':

          5,434.51 msec task-clock                       #    8.720 CPUs utilized
             1,187      context-switches                 #  218.419 /sec
                22      cpu-migrations                   #    4.048 /sec
            24,119      page-faults                      #    4.438 K/sec
    24,311,239,346      cycles                           #    4.473 GHz
    21,196,398,588      instructions                     #    0.87  insn per cycle
     2,841,057,067      branches                         #  522.781 M/sec
       296,751,808      branch-misses                    #   10.45% of all branches

       0.623224953 seconds time elapsed

       5.304562000 seconds user
       0.127532000 seconds sys

$ time zstdcat -v -T12 data.tar.zst > /dev/null
Warning : decompression does not support multi-threading

 Performance counter stats for 'zstdcat -v -T12 data.tar.zst':

            559.03 msec task-clock                       #    1.075 CPUs utilized
             4,245      context-switches                 #    7.593 K/sec
                 5      cpu-migrations                   #    8.944 /sec
             1,032      page-faults                      #    1.846 K/sec
     2,519,428,855      cycles                           #    4.507 GHz
     5,752,165,946      instructions                     #    2.28  insn per cycle
       943,510,461      branches                         #    1.688 G/sec
        17,026,238      branch-misses                    #    1.80% of all branches

       0.520219563 seconds time elapsed

       0.518084000 seconds user
       0.044177000 seconds sys

If xzcat is restricted to a single core the performance is much worse
(about 3.5 seconds for xz vs 0.5 seconds for zstd), although I
understand from another post in the thread that dpkg performs
multi-threaded xz decompression.

This is on an ordinary "Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2236 CPU @ 3.40GHz" CPU which
is a four year old, 6 core, 12 thread processor.

Robert Edmonds

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