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Re: DEP-5 copyright with different licenses for two parts of the same file

Marc Haber <mh+debian-devel@zugschlus.de> writes:

> Now, how do I write this in a DEP-5 copyright file? Having two stanzas
> for the same file gets flagged by Lintian as an Error, and the DEP-5
> syntax doesn't seem to allow to mention two Licenses in the License:
> line.

This is the intended purpose of "and": cases where one file is covered by
multiple licenses simultaneously.  So, basically:

License: LGPL-2+ and manpage-license

or whatever the right tag for that second license is.  This is a bit
confusing when the licenses conflict, but I think it's close enough to
capturing what's going on here, and you can explain further in a Comment.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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