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DEP-5 copyright with different licenses for two parts of the same file


in daemon(1), I have a file with has two contradicting licenses in the
same file. See

>From the wording of the second copyright notice, I think it is clear
that that notice applies to the POD documentation included in the file
while the actual code is LGPL. Upstream confirms that this is the
intention and agrees that this is somehow suboptimally worded.

Now, how do I write this in a DEP-5 copyright file? Having two stanzas
for the same file gets flagged by Lintian as an Error, and the DEP-5
syntax doesn't seem to allow to mention two Licenses in the License:

Any hints woule be appreciated.

-------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -----
Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |     Beginning of Wisdom "     | 
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

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