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Re: Please, minimize your build chroots

El 28/1/23 a las 14:41, Ansgar escribió:
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues writes:
I think the much more interesting question is in what environment we want to
build our packages in. Currently, on buildds, we build them in a chroot that
has Priority:required and build-essential because of (what I think is) a bug in
debootstrap: #837060

I would rather say: The build-essential packages are those installed by
debootstrap's buildd profile. At least that seems to be current practice
for a long time.

What you call current practice is only current debootstrap behaviour.

There are already packages in bullseye having build-depends
on tzdata, and afaik it was not me who reported them to have such
build-dependency. If current practice was really not to consider
tzdata as build-essential, as you say, somebody would have reported
those build-dependencies as a bug, because we don't use build-depends
when the package is build-essential.

I would say, therefore, that current practice all this time has really
been to report those bugs and fix them, i.e. current practice is
that tzdata is not build-essential, despite debootstrap behaviour.


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