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Re: build-depend on autoconf-archive and rm convenience copy in orig.tar.gz?

Am 19.01.22 um 17:43 schrieb Thomas Koch:

I searched but apparently this has not yet been discussed anywhere below lists.debian.org.

My package ships two convenience copies from autoconf-archive in it's m4 folder. Should I

a) leave these files and add the corresponding data to d/copyright or
b) leave these files and don't bother about d/copyright or
c) remove these files and add build-depend on autoconf-archive, linking the files before dh_autoreconf?

Apparently I'm not the only one with uncertainty here:

Thanks for your guidance, Thomas

As I wrote in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=949119#15 autoconf-archive is not needed for building because the two required files are also provided as part of the Tesseract source tree.

Technically all options a), b) and c) use exactly those two files either from the Tesseract source tree or from autoconf-archive during the build process. Nothing of those files is part of the build results which get installed. So a binary install package does not require a copyright notice for any of those files.

I don't know the Debian rules for source packages. Do they require an extra documentation of all copyrights for any file in the source distribution? The licenses of both files don't demand that.


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