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fontconfig RC bugs (was: Re: key packages RC bugs of the month September)

Hi Paul,

Quoting Paul Gevers (2022-09-01 13:53:41)
> I am asking for help with investigating RC bug reports, judging 
> severity, reproducing the issue, clarifying the problem, i.e. bug 
> triaging of all RC bugs that haven't seen activity for a while and that 
> are still affecting bookworm. Of course ideally the bug gets fixed. To 
> give examples, I mention 5 bugs below, next month hope I'll mail 5 other 
> ones.
> The full list I use to check for RC bugs in key packages can be found at 
> [2].

looking at the full list, 5 bugs per mail don't seem like much. On the other
hand, if you had listed more then 5 I might not've looked through the list at
all and had not spotted fontconfig in it.

> #960679 src:fontconfig
> strict dependency of arch:any libfontconfig1 on arch:all 
> fontconfig-config going wrong
> https://bugs.debian.org/960679

fontconfig also has a second RC bug: #909750

The last maintainer upload of fontconfig was more than two years ago. Since
then it has been NMU-ed by me and Julien Cristau.

Since there is no maintainer action on #960679 I wanted to ask the d-devel
crowd if you see any problem with making fontconfig-config arch:any to fix it?

There is a patch for #909750 which I can apply in my next fontconfig NMU as


cheers, josch

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