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Re: Git Packaging Round 2: SHOULD Not or MUSt NOT Github

On 9/15/19 12:06 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Saturday, September 14, 2019 6:01:24 PM EDT Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> On 9/14/19 6:59 AM, Balasankar "Balu" C wrote:
>>> So will the GR be
>>> "You must not do any sort of contribution to Debian using non-free
>>> software/hardware"
>>> or
>>> "You can use anything you want to contribute to Debian, but there should
>>> be a way for other people to contribute to your work in Debian without
>>> compromising on their freedom" ? (This translates to my words in the
>>> beginning of this reply - patches over BTS must not be rejected by a
>>> maintainer)
>> Of course, the later. I don't care if a contributor is using Debian in a
>> VM running on Windows, as long as he/she doesn't force me to do the
>> same. That's the same spirit with using a non-free Git platform.
> What you proposed sounded a lot like the former to me and apparently others.

Indeed. Sorry for this (to you, and to all others that wrongly
understood what I meant).

>> It is a real life experience that I had to touch horribly maintained
>> packages by unknown contributors, with Vcs-Git:
>> https://github.com/<foo>/<bar>, missing commits not matching the
>> archive, and no response from the maintainer to the BTS (even for RC
>> bugs). The last occurrence of this was pyroute2, which I pushed into the
>> DPMT (and still no reply from that past maintainer). I hate seeing this,
>> and don't want this anymore, though it happens again, and again, and
>> again. So, the only way to get out of this is enforcement, like it or not.
> The Vcs-foo is there as an aid to finding additional information about the 
> package.  There's no requirement to deal with it when you are NMUing.  NMU 
> diffs go to the BTS.  End of story.

Respectfully: this sounds like a non-sense to me. I completely fail to
understand the logic behind what you just wrote. As, seemingly, you're
not the only one with that point or argumentation, I need more

If we aren't supposed to use the VCS fields, why do we even have them at
all? Shouldn't we just get rid of them completely in Debian then? What's
the point to advertise about some kind of Git repository, if we're not
supposed to use them? If you're using Git alone, for yourself only, why
at all publish the repository then?

> There's nothing that requires you to interact with a VCS repository that you 
> don't care to.

But I do care about using Git, and interacting with other DDs using it.
However, basically, what you're saying is that, for those who care about
not using non-free platforms, we should just not do that anymore, as
it's not required anyway. That's simply not fair: I care more about
software freedom, and therefore, I'd be left aside, not being able to
use Git when interacting with others.

Besides this, there's something else I don't understand. How much effort
is it to use a free software based platform? It's not as if Github was
so much nicer than Gitlab (at least not anymore). What is it that people
hate about Gitlab so much, that they feel like they must use some
non-free platform, even if they know some of us will hate it?


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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