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RFC: Support for selective usage of (fake)root during package build (R³)


We have written a new specification for supporting selective usage of
(fake)root during package builds (see attached file).  The specification
defines a new field called "Rules-Requires-Root" (R³ for short) that
enables maintainers to define if and how their package requires root
during package build.

The specification is accompanied by an initial implementation in dpkg
and debhelper (in unstable), so you can experiment with it already now.
While dpkg and debhelper implement the entire specification, there are
still some limitations in what we can support at the moment.  These
limitations are listed in the "Limitations" section below.

 * Please, review the specification plus implemenations and provide
   feedback on the proposal.

 * Deadline for feedback: 2 weeks from today (but we are happy to extend
   it if people find this too short).
   - if there are no major concerns with this proposal at that time
     we will consider the specification as stable, and mark it as so.

 * Even though we think the current specification is solid, as long
   as it is not marked as stable, it might change its semantics, and
   any early adopter should be prepared to adapt to new updates.

Rationale behind the proposal

This specification was a response to several papercuts observed by the
dpkg and debhelper maintainers:

 * We have long desired the ability to build packages without having
   to use (fake)root.  The primary use-case for (fake)root is to set
   ownership information in binary package, as we have no other way
   to do this.

 * We were looking for ways to optimize out useless overhead in
   the package builds.  Notably, we had some overhead because
   dpkg-buildpackage has called "build" targets separately before
   "binary" targets, to reduce the code paths that have needed
   to be executed as (fake)root.

 * We concluded that even if we added a declarative method for setting
   ownership, we could not assume that all package builds would behave
   correctly when no longer called under (fake)root.  I.e. we have
   always to support some form of opt-in to avoid a flag day.

 * Finally, we observed that the vast majority of all packages only
   use "root:root" as ownership and we could devise a trivial way to
   satisfy their requirements in our implementations.

With these points in mind, we drafted the specification and
implementations with the following goals:

 * Both the specification and the implemention should be 100% backwards
   compatible with packages and workflows.

 * The vast majority of packages that only ship "root:root" owned paths
   should be able to do so without using (fake)root at all already.

 * Packages (that we can support now) should be able to opt-in already
   with minimal effort on their part.

 * Packages that cannot fully remove their requirements for using
   (fake)root should be able to declare so and promote selected
   commands to use root.

 * Tools should be able to easily provide support for running parts
   under (fake)root, where this is still useful.  This should be
   decentralized to enable tool providers to support the specification.

 * Since the change is opt-in, we took the liberty of requiring that
   packages do not rely on certain deprecated features and fallback code
   in dpkg and debhelper.

Optimizations enabled by this specification

This specification enables the following optimizations:

 * dpkg-buildpackage will directly call the binary targets, without
   calling the build targets first, which removes up to 3 invocations
   of make.  This will speed up small packages or packages that uses
   a lot of $(shell ...) statements in make.  (Related bug #793404)

 * Packages avoid the extra overhead of fakeroot and no longer have
   to chown each and every file/directory shipped.  In some cases,
   this becomes quite noticeable.

The short-cut we introduce in dpkg-buildpackage is permitted by policy
4.9§, which states that packages must be buildable by just using one of
the binary targets.  However, in recent times this short-cut has been
problematic as the binary targets previously had to be run as (fake)root
and many build targets progressively stopped supporting being run as
such.  In fact, there is a request to outright forbid the build targets
to be run as (fake)root (#835451).

With R³, we can leverage this short-cut with the above advantages while
avoiding the use of (fake)root in the debian/rules.

Related work

 * There is ongoing work for adding support for declarative ownership
   (among other) in dpkg and debhelper.

 * We believe this proposal will support the work for discouraging
   the use of (fake)root during the build targets (#835451).

Limitiations of this proposal

The specification deliberately does not attempt to solve how to
declaratively set the ownership of paths in binary packages.  However,
the implementations uses the specification to assume that all ownership
should default to "root:root".

When we have a solution for declarative ownership, packages can adopt
that in their own phase and use R³ to declare that they no longer need

Known issues

If you are working on a perl package that is using ExtUtils::Install
(MakeMaker) to install png files or ar files, please be aware that
building without (fake)root may lead to change "permission denied"
issues during built as observed by Axel Beckert.  This is because
ExtUtils::Install appears to install files without any write permissions
(i.e. 0444 or 0555).  While these are eventually fixed by dh_fixperms,
dh_strip_nondeterminism is run prior to dh_fixperms and may therefore
trigger an error due to this.

We are still discussing how to best solve this in the following mail thread:


Deprecated Features / Fallbacks affected

To enable all the optimizations we mentioned earlier, there were some
deprecated features / fallbacks that we can no longer support:

 * dh before compat 9 will *not* properly recurse into the debian/rules
   file to call any of "build" targets.  The minimal rules "%:\n\tdh $@"
   is unaffected (as dh just inlines the build sequence), but not all
   dh-using packages consistenly use that rule for all mandatory targets
   in debian/rules.
   - If you are using dh, please consider to bump the compat level to
     a non-deprecated compat level (i.e. 9 or later).

 * Packages that do not have a proper dependency path between the binary
   targets and the related build target (e.g. binary-arch -> build-arch)
   may see issues when migrating to R³.  This is because
   dpkg-buildpackage skips the explicit call to the build targets and
   now relies on the  binary targets to depend (directly or
   transitively) on them.

How to use (for package maintainers)

The following is a very short guide depending on whether:

Using debhelper (possibly via cdbs)

 * Please check out the limitations and known issues to determine if you
   can use R³ with the current level of support.

 * Add "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to the source stanza of your
   debian/control file and try to see if it works. For reproducible
   packages the output should be the same before and after.

If this is sufficient for your package, then you generally do not need
to bump any build-dependencies as debhelper and dpkg internally ensures
that the necessary support is available.

Without any debhelper support

 * Please check out the limitations and known issues to determine if you
   can use R³ with the current level of support.

 * Pass --root-owner-group to the dpkg-deb calls.
   - This requires dpkg (>=

 * Remove all chown "root:root" calls in your rules.
   - Be advised; if you want to support backports, you have to do this
     part conditionally on a recent enough version of dpkg-dev.

 * Add "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to the source stanza of your
   debian/control file and try to see if it works. For reproducible
   packages the output should be the same before and after.

When the above is not enough

In either case, it may be necessary to do additional changes.  If you
find that there are parts that still need (fake)root but they can be
trivially isolated, consider setting R³ to "dpkg/target-subcommand" and
use the "Gain Root API" from the spec to run that part as (fake)root.


The dpkg-dev and debhelper tools from stretch-backports will ignore the
R³-field.  If your package relies on debhelper to support building
without (fake)root, there is a very high probability your package can
still safely be backported to stretch-backports with
"Rules-Requires-Root" set to "no".

How to add support in your packaging tool

If you have a packaging tool and want to adopt R³, here is a short intro:

 * Please check out limitations below to determine if you can use
   R³ with the current level of support.

 * If your package only uses root for "chown" to set "root:root"
   ownership, then please skip those calls when the R³ field is
   not set to "binary-targets".
   - Dh_Lib users can rely on the "use_should_root()" function in
     debhelper (>= 10.10).

 * If your tool occasionally needs (fake)root for a small isolated
   part, consider adding a R³ keyword that your consumers can use to
   request root for that part.  Please see the "Gain Root API" from
   the specification to see how to leverage this.
   - Dh_Lib users can rely on the "use_should_root('ns/kw')" and
     "my @gain_root = gain_root_cmd(); doit(@gain_root, 'tool', ...);"

 * You might need to request the addition of a Breaks from dpkg-dev
   to the version your packaging tool added support for R³.
   Alternatively, your users will have to add a versioned Build-Depends
   on your package.

How to use as a package builder

If you use dpkg-buildpackage (possibly indirectly via a *-buildpackage
wrapper), your workflow will automatically support this new feature once
you upgrade to a new enough dpkg{,-dev}.

Otherwise, the specification is entirely backwards compatible with any
current builder workflow.  This is because packages are required to
still build successfully when their binary-targets are called with
(fake)root even when "Rules-Requires-Root" is set to "no".

Builders can obviously choose to support Rules-Requires-Root by parsing
the field and handle the three different cases.  When
Rules-Requires-Root is:

 * Omitted or set to "binary-tagets": Preserve the current behaviour.

 * Set to "no": Omit the root command and just call the binary target as
   the user used for the "build" target.

 * Otherwise: Ideally expose a "gain-root-command" via the "Gain Root
   API" from the specification.  Alternatively, handle the field as-if
   it had been set to "binary-targets".

If you want to assert that a package still builds with
Rules-Requires-Root set to "no" even when it is called as (fake)root,
then the next version of dpkg-dev will have an option for
dpkg-buildpackage to pretend that the value of the Rules-Requires-Root
field is "binary-targets".  We believe this will also be useful for
reproducible builds testing.

Guillem and Niels

Attachment: rootless-builds.txt.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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