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Re: policy for shipping sysctl.d snippets in packages?

Evgeni Golov wrote:
> LXC recently got a bug (#860974) that is best fixed by bumping a certain
> sysctl limit above the default.

Note that in addition to going this route, you might consider talking with the
kernel maintainers about increasing the default limit, or potentially even
getting the limit raised upstream.

> However I could not find any documented policy how to do this (if at all).
> Both, procps and systemd support (/usr)?/lib/sysctl.d/*.conf, however only
> one package (systemd-coredump) uses it, all others drop files in
> /etc/sysctl.d.
> Some packages also trigger "sysctl -q -p <file>" in their postinst, but
> most do not.
> My gut feeling is that droping the file to /usr/lib and allowing the admin
> to override it later via /etc. And then load it in postinst.

That seems like exactly the right approach, and yes, you should put it
in /usr/lib/50-yourpackagename.conf , following the conventions
explicitly established for that purpose.  That makes it easy for the
sysadmin to override *either* by directly creating a file with the same
name in /etc *or* by adding a file later in the sequence to tweak
individual settings, both of which can easily be done in packages for
sysadmins who want to package their configuration tweaks.  (By contrast,
a configuration package can't safely tweak or override existing files in
/etc, only drop in a file later in the sequence.)  This also makes it
easy to use tools to identify any local overrides, or to just look in
/etc and see at a glance only what the sysadmin has modified, not large
swathes of stock values.

Effectively, the bits installed in /usr/lib (or /lib) represent the
stock state of the package (similar to compiled-in defaults, but more
easily adjusted by the distribution without patching).

This is something that people have argued over in the past, and will
likely continue to argue over; it's also highly correlated with general
argument over systemd, since systemd is the most popular package
following and encouraging this configuration pattern, though not the
first such package.  However, this pattern is supported by upstream
convention, convention across multiple distributions (meeting sysadmin
expectations), and existing use by many other packages already in

> But this does not account for the fact that this specific tunable may be
> already overriden in another sysctl.d file and the package would reset
> it to a lower value?

You might ask systemd upstream if they'd consider extending the syntax
to support "increase if below this value but don't decrease".  But in
the absence of that, I don't think you need to worry about that kind of
configuration conflict unless it comes up.  Ideally if multiple packages
need to change this limit, they'll coordinate and agree on the new
value, or perhaps even depend on a common configuration package.

- Josh Triplett

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