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Re: Keysafe dynamic UID

On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 16:06:30 +0200, Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
>I might be completely wrong, but the way I read the current situation
>  * The (previous) proponents of the Debian- prefixed names don't
>    mind much because they are fine delegating that decision to
>    someone  else, they just want this decided (?).
>  * Many maintainers are cargo-culting the Debian- prefixed names,
>    so it spreads, giving the impression that this is favoured, when
>    it is probably due to being unaware of there being a better
>    alternative.

I think that I am still uploader for the most prominent package in
Debian using the Debian-foo scheme, and I also remember having written
a document outlining the decision we as a team made thirteen years
ago. I have to admit that I didn't include that document in the
package, it's just on the Wiki.

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