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Re: Opt out style recommends


Quoting Pirate Praveen (2016-04-08 09:48:59)
> On 2016, ഏപ്രിൽ 8 12:42:30 PM IST, Tiago Ilieve <tiago.myhro@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Maybe you can use an environment that's a little bit closer to a
> >standard system installation (at least to a point where you can expect
> >normal APT behavior), like a Docker or LXC container, which are
> >lighter than complete virtual machines. That's what I've been doing to
> >test packages.
> >
> >It's even easier to use them with Vagrant, as you can see in this[1]
> >repository.
> Can you run lxc or docker inside an OpenVZ instance?

if not, then there is also schroot which is a chroot manager with cool features
like not needing sudo to enter a chroot or support for overlayfs.

Though with schroot (because it's basically a chroot frontend) you don't get as
much isolation as you'd get with lxc or docker which also separate the network
or process namespaces from the host for you.

On the other hand, (because it's basically a chroot frontend) I see no reason
why it shouldn't work on an OpenVZ instance.


cheers, josch

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