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Re: debhelper compat 10 ready for testing (debhelper/9.20160403)

Matthias Klose:
> On 03.04.2016 12:12, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> With the latest debhelper upload today, I believe compat 10 is now ready
>> for widespread testing.
> please could you consider generating new style dbg files (using
> build-id) for every debhelper compat level, if a binary file has a
> build-id? The trigger should be the build-id, not the debhelper compat
> level.
> Thanks, Matthias

I do not mind managing a mass-bug filing for removing manual dbg
packages without reverse dependencies if that is any help. Beyond mostly
solving your request (eventually) it would also:

 * reduce the number of binary packages considerably in unstable
   - including reducing the metadata and mirror sizes

 * A quick'n'dirty apt cache searchs suggest we got 2.1k -dbg packages
   without rdeps[1].
   - This is in the ballpark of 5-10% of all (binary) packages on amd64.
   - The method (being "quick'n'dirty") ignores a couple of "convenient"
     things like "not every one using debhelper" or "named -dbg but
     actually just a transitional package to support upgrades" etc.

This is of course assuming people think it is a good idea and that the
"detection" is sufficient (or can trivially be improved).

 * Please keep in mind that this would be an iterative bug filing.
   - As -dbg packages are removed others will lose their last rdep.


[1] And by "quick'n'dirty', I meant horribly slow - anyway, method is

for pkg in $(aptitude search dbg | grep -v ^v |
             awk '$2 ~ /-dbg$/ { print $2 }') ; do
  if [ $(apt-cache rdepends $pkg | wc -l) -lt 3 ] ; then
    echo $pkg ;
  fi ;
done | uniq

(Yeah, the grep is probably redundant when I am also using awk - please
forgive my obvious lack of "awk-fu")

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