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Re: New requirements for ITPs? (was: Bug#815675: ITP: ftpbackup -- Script to backups your data from a Debian system to a ftp space)

Lars Wirzenius, on Wed 24 Feb 2016 16:43:21 +0200, wrote:
> Do we want to add requirements
> on quality (however we want to define that),

Well, to be in Debian you need a minimum quality, yes.

> duplication of features with existing software, or other things?

I've seen it often discussed for ITPs, yes.

(see the meta-dup discussion about ITPs for packages which look for
duplicated files...)

> popularity,

I don't think this is something to take into account. Some accessibility
packages, for instance, are definitely not "popular", and yet they are
essential to a few people.


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