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Re: Xeon Phi port

On 09/08/15 11:02, Václav Šmilauer wrote:
> The platform is identified as x86_64-k1om-linux-gnu

Please see:

As far as I understand it, you will have a problem because dpkg ignores
the vendor part of the GNU architecture tuple: in other words, it can't
distinguish between x86_64-pc-linux-gnu and x86_64-k1om-linux-gnu,
because it sees them both as simply x86_64-linux-gnu. This is because
the vendor part is usually unimportant, and because it often has
spurious variation (e.g. i386 gets identified as i386-unknown-linux-gnu,
i386-pc-linux-gnu or sometimes even i386-redhat-linux-gnu); those
factors mean that gcc and the GNU build systems ignore it when choosing
the names of (cross) compilers and their library directories, and dpkg
follows that practice.

A dpkg architecture for k1om would have to be either k1om-*-linux-gnu or
x86_64-*-linux-gnuk1om. This is similar to the way PowerPC with Signal
Processing Extensions, a branch of PowerPC with incompatible meanings
for what are normally Altivec opcodes, is powerpc-unknown-linux-gnuspe.


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