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Re: Q: why binary-log by systemd-journald is not enabled by default?

Am 12.05.2015 um 19:30 schrieb Andreas Metzler:
> Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org> wrote:
> [...]
>> systemd-journal was added for this very purpose to grant unprivileged
>> users read access to the journal.
>> So it's absolutely correct to use in this case.
> Hello,
> If that is the only purpose of the group, why doesn't systemd
> re-use adm instead of adding another group?

From [1]:

        * The journal files are now owned by a new group
          "systemd-journal", which exists specifically to allow access
          to the journal, and nothing else. Previously, we used the
          "adm" group for that, which however possibly covers more
          than just journal/log file access. This new group is now
          already used by systemd-journal-gatewayd to ensure this
          daemon gets access to the journal files and as little else
          as possible. Note that "make install" will also set FS ACLs
          up for /var/log/journal to give "adm" and "wheel" read
          access to it, in addition to "systemd-journal" which owns
          the journal files. We recommend that packaging scripts also
          add read access to "adm" + "wheel" to /var/log/journal, and
          all existing/future journal files. To normal users and
          administrators little changes, however packagers need to
          ensure to create the "systemd-journal" system group at
          package installation time.


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