Gitorious; check-all-the-things (was: Re: Misc Developer News (#38))
Hi Paul,
me again. ;-)
Paul Wise wrote:
> Gitorious and Codehaus closing
> ------------------------------
> Both and Gitorious and Codehaus are closing soon. Gitorious will[1] shut
> down at the end of May and Codehaus will[2] be removing projects from
> April 2nd onwards (most around May 17th).
Codehaus already has a horribly slow main page... Never really heard
of them before, though. (I'm always thinking of Spamhaus when reading
its name. :-)
> There are quite a number of projects in Debian that use Gitorious
> or Codehaus for their hosting. Folks who maintain packages whose
> upstream projects use Gitorious or Codehaus might want to talk to
> their upstreams about where they will move to and or backup code
> repositories and other data.
For those hosted on Gitorious, you can import them quite easily to Import is though still a little buggy, but should be fixed
once the fix is deployed to
> Help check all the things!
> --------------------------
> check-all-the-things is a tool to check all of the things, well, most of
> them, well, some of the ones related to an unpacked or post-build source
> package or VCS repository anyway.
Sounds like a nice idea and will probably replace many homebrewed
scripts and check lists. Looking forward to it.
> If you know of a tool in Debian it could wrap, please commit a
> checker, send a patch or a link.
I'm missing license-reconcile here which checks licensecheck's output
against debian/copyright (and seems to can do some more stuff).
Maybe "isutf8" from the package moreutils could also provide some
useful checks. I've though just filed a bug against lintian (#780180)
to do some more UTF-8 checks, so this may be superfluous soonish.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert <>,
: :' : | Debian Developer, Admin
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