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Re: Please more fish (was: so long and thanks for all the fish)

Hey Joey,

On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 06:12:13PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> Please take that message with a pound of salt. I was upset when I wrote
> it, it's probably not accurate, and I've left[1] for reasons that are
> much more broadly structural, and are certianly not the fault of the
> technical committee, or indeed of any one person.

I wonder if you could describe what you think made Debian of '96
awesome? I miss reading inspiring manifestos of how things are meant to
work in a hypothetical perfect world that makes everyone happy.

(For me, I'd say what was cool about Debian back in that day was it
was "an anarchic collaboration that's doing cool, useful things with
software". When I think about it, I usually conclude that Debian still
wins because everything else interesting seems way more structured
(ie, either corporate or benevolent dictator), but maybe if I like
"anarchic" then the collaboration should be more ad-hoc anyway, and
existing structures aren't relevant...)

> [1] Almost. Still need to orphan git-annex, git-repair, and github-backup.
>  #768516: (O: etckeeper -- store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs)

Planning on staying involved with those as upstream?

FWIW, you might want to consider retaining your DDship despite orphaning
everything, dropping any roles, unsubscribing from any mailing lists,
seceding from the constitution, etc. There's not much obligation in
keeping the account, and if you find yourself using some package that
needs a bug fix, being able to do an NMU is handy (presuming you're not
switching to a different distro, anyway). At least, I haven't had anyone
begrudge me keeping my account while not doing anything much.

(Also, can we contact your ego or superego directly via email too?)


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