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Re: Adding and using repositories during package installation?

On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:44:52 +0200
Malte Forkel <malte.forkel@berlin.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm thinking about creating a metapackage to setup a software
> development environment. It would not only have to depend on some
> prerequisite packages, but also add repositories and install a package
> from one of them. Is there an acceptable way to do that?
> I guess I shouldn't use things like 'add-apt-repository' and ''apt-get
> update' in maintainer scripts. I could probably add files to
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d. But how could I
> perform the update required to install a package from one of the new
> repositories?

It'll need to be a separate step - apt and dpkg use locks during the
actual installation, so a second call cannot be made within the existing
installation step.

Don't go messing with apt trusted files either, package the key as a
keyring package (like emdebian-archive-keyring) and depend on that.

To do the install, you will need to use a debconf note and ask the user
to install a package from the other repository (which you can Suggest
but should not Depend on as it will break the installability checks for
when your package migrates). (Not sure if Recommends are counted as
Depends as far as installability checks go in britney).

So, overall, no. There isn't an acceptable way to depend on packages
from a PPA or external repository which does not rely on user action.
Personally, I don't think there should be - at least until we have
developer archives available via dak.


Neil Williams

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