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Re: Standardizing the layout of git packaging repositories

On Sat, 16 Aug 2014, Russ Allbery wrote:
> > And anyway I'd say that downloading the original archive is simpler than 
> > having to deal with pristine-tar...
> I'm mystified.  What is there to deal with?  I literally never touch it.
> It just works, completely transparently and silently.

Unfortunately not. Creating a pristine-tar with Debian/stable results
in one of my cases *consistently* in problems creating the orig.tar.
Look into the bug reports of pristine-tar, it is a long list of
orig.tar that cannot be recreated.

THis is the prime reason why I want to get rid of all the pristine-tar
stuff in my repos, but unfortunately there is no alternative.

And no, Marco, having the .tar.gz in the repo is *not* a solution
for several 100 Mb orig.tar, not to speak of several instances of it.

I would gladly start trying to debug pristine tar, but upstream
has abandoned it after I send a bug report (what coincidence),
and there is no hinto from upstream what could be the problem.

So, in short words, pristine-tar is dead, and dangerous. But still
extremely useful! Which is a painful combination.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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