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maintainership of pv, status of kcoyner


i love this tool. there's a bunch new releases sitting upstream that I'd
be happy to package in debian:


anyone heard of Kevin (in cc)? he seems to be MIA right now... i
contacted the MIA team before, we'll see what happens there.

i'd be happy to start maintaining pv if the MIA team decides to orphan
the package. i'd probably throw this at collab-maint and everyone is
welcome to join in, but it's such a small tool i don't see a team around
it really. :)

note that there are other packages to look at if kevin is indeed


.. but must are fairly up to date right now.



PS: Kevin, if you're reading this, I hope you are well and that I'm not
stepping on any toes. :)

Le Québec ne rêve plus de devenir une société modèle: voilà son
problème d'environnement.
                        - Pierre Dansereau (1911 - 2011)

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