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Re: Debian default desktop environment

Iain R. Learmonth dijo [Sat, Apr 05, 2014 at 09:47:58AM +0100]:
> > So, I suggest we ship a desktop consisting of:
> > 
> > (... minimalist and console-based stuff ...)
> Whilst that is basically my setup, it is definitely not an intuitive one
> to use.
> For power users, it likely is better than GNOME, KDE, etc. but it's only
> power users that would take the time to get acquainted with it.
> If someone wanted to put together a meta-package and some scripts for
> tighter integration however, I would be very happy to test it, and
> wouldn't mind seeing an installer that uses it as default, but it
> shouldn't be *the* default.

Please note I was basically joking by giving this list. I didn't reset
the list to debian-curiosa maybe because I forgot.

Anyway, when talking about power users or however you describe them, I
doubt a task or meta-package would make much sense: We will all choose
our programs on a much more fine-grained level. We don't want to argue
on whether the default poweruser WM should be i3 or ratpoison...

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