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Re: Debian default desktop environment

On 05/04/14 06:22, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> So, I suggest we ship a desktop consisting of:
> - Window manager: i3
> - File browser: urxvt
> - Photo viewer: caca-utils
> - Web browser: lynx
> - Mail client: mutt
> - Instant messenger: irssi
> - Productivity suite: emacs
> - Music app: supercollider
> - Media player: mplayer (on libcaca, of course)

Whilst that is basically my setup, it is definitely not an intuitive one
to use.

For power users, it likely is better than GNOME, KDE, etc. but it's only
power users that would take the time to get acquainted with it.

If someone wanted to put together a meta-package and some scripts for
tighter integration however, I would be very happy to test it, and
wouldn't mind seeing an installer that uses it as default, but it
shouldn't be *the* default.


urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth

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