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Re: systemd - some more considerations

On Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:39:29 +0100, Ben Hutchings
<ben@decadent.org.uk> wrote:
>On Thu, 2014-04-03 at 19:55 +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> On 04/03/2014 05:58 PM, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
>> > Am I understanding you correctly that you don't think there are any
>> > situations where compiling out features from the kernel can lead to pid1
>> > not working would be acceptable?
>> I'd say the opposite way. Could you please explain in which case you
>> find it acceptable to *just crash*, and render the system completely
>> unusable, and possibly even not recoverable?
>1. If the kernel is configured without a driver for the disk controller,
>that happens.

It says "unable to mount root fs", which indicates what's going wrong.

>2. If the kernel is configured without the filesystem for the root
>partition, that happens.

It says "unable to mount root fs", which indicates what's going wrong.

>3. If the kernel is configured without VT or block support, that
>probably happens.

It says "unable to mount root fs", which indicates what's going wrong.

>4. If the kernel is configured without networking support, the system
>may boot but if it's a server it's unusable.

It comes up, one can log in on the console, one can debug and will
find out fast what's going on.

>If cgroups are essential for init, why is this so different from any of
>the above?

From what one reads in this thread, init segfaults if cgroups is not
available. This is unacceptable.

IMO, it would be just fine if it would say "kernel support for cgroups
not found" and die.

>> Even without cgroup support, the way to handle the situation, IMO, would
>> be to at least fall back to the shell with a comprehensive error message.
>That would be better, though not much better.  You'll need either local
>access or a remote serial console either to use the shell or to select a
>fallback entry at the GRUB menu.

A segfault will lead the debugging process in a totally false

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