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Re: Bits from the Security Team

Le lundi, 10 mars 2014, 13.52:59 Ian Jackson a écrit :
> Paul Wise writes ("Re: Bits from the Security Team"):
> > Debian doesn't support skipping releases right now and I expect if
> > we
> > support releases for a longer amount of time that won't change.
> But, in practice, skip upgrades often work anyway.  I'd encourage
> maintainers not to gratuitously break them.  For example, aggressively
> removing compatibility code is a bad idea.  (It's bad for our
> downstreams too).

I, for one, have been routinely dropping transitional binary packages 
that were in the latest stable; they were needed to migrate from (the 
releases which are now) oldstable to stable but are only archive noise 
now. Delaying that cleanup for an additional stable release cycle really 
feels like unnecessary delay, during which we pretend to maintain code 
that hardly anyone tests.

The problem is that there is no policy in place to make us support 
oldstable-to-testing upgrades. If there's interest, that'd need to be 
decided with a more firm policy than "encourage maintainers".


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