Re: Two line init.d scripts? Sure, that will work!
Helmut Grohne writes ("Re: Two line init.d scripts? Sure, that will work!"):
> On Thu, Feb 06, 2014 at 11:59:11AM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > I think the best approach would probably be to automate the generation
> > of init scripts in debhelper.
> Is that a joke? I find it hard to tell.
I wasn't aware of metainit.
> 1) (we already had this here, why is it necessary
> to reiterate?)
> 2) metainit (+ dh-metainit)! You don't have to work from scratch. All
> you need to do, is pick up where Joachim Breitner stopped.
> But I seriously doubt that this will get us very far, cause every time
> someone suggested writing a tool for generating init scripts, the
> discussion (and implementation) died once someone mentioned metainit. Do
> we never learn from history?
I will look at metainit and see what I think.
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