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Advancing the conversation about changing the default init system for debian

In order for there to be any sensible decision about whether we should
switch the default init system in Debian, all of the different camps
need to summarize their arguments and counter-arguments, ideally with

To this end, I have started outlining some of the open questions I see
in deciding between the different options we have:


If a few individuals who support Debian switching to each of the options
could start coalescing the arguments onto the subpages of that Debate, I
would greatly appreciate it. I personally don't know enough yet to
support only one of the options, so I've only contributed questions and
some brief outlines in the summary table.

Don Armstrong                      http://www.donarmstrong.com

He quite enjoyed the time by himself in the mornings. The day was too
early to have started going really wrong.
  -- Terry Pratchet _Only You Can Save Mankind_ p133

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