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Re: .py suffixed scripts to /usr/bin/

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 03:24:02PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > Urgh. How about installing the .py to a private directory (under
> > /usr/share say?) and creating non-suffixed symlinks in /usr/bin. 
> how that would help in case of a conflict with original MNE's binaries
> becoming available/conflicting?

Unless the original puts the .py files in the same /usr/share directory,
or starts shipping suffix-less binaries, it won't conflict.

> yeap -- I would need to patch their scripts since internally they use
> each other... imho could introduce more pain than gain

Ouch indeed. Can you convince upstream to strip the .py suffix for a
later version?

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