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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013/6/6 Florian Lohoff <f@zz.de>:
> On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 04:19:04PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
>> That said, we provide GNOME Classic in wheezy for good reasons. Some of
>> Florian’s concerns are clearly among them.
> I have tried that and the annoyances with the systray, multihead and
> nautilus manages backdrop are the same.
> I am not per se against Gnome3 - Some stuff like the launcher from the
> win keys are perfect for me, although i think its unusable without
> cairo-dock.
> But why on earth did  very simple thing like multihead management break?
Oooh, that is not simple at all! (It shouldn't break, but it's quite complex...)

> There are tons of complaints about the systray stuff and nobody seems to
> care.
People do care, the more recent GNOME versions received tons of
improvements for the systray, which will of course be available in
Debian too, very soon (if you're not using Experimental).
So, I assume that GNOME3 will go through some more iterations and be a
very usable desktop then :) And even now, you can customize it, OR
just use the fallback mode, which provides a GNOME2-like interface.

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