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Re: Linux Future

On 24/01/2013 13:09, Adam Borowski wrote:
> [...]
> * the monolithic design has a huge freeness problem.  To do anything not on
>   a rigid list of features you need to learn the intricaties of a large
>   complex system, and you can be certain that even if you manage to do so,
>   your patches will have a hard time getting accepted, and features you base
>   your code on will be thrown away on a whim every couple of years or so. 
>   * In Unix, on the other hand, the barrier is typically mere knowledge of
>     scripting, in shell or any language of your preference.  Small
>     components are easy to document (in man pages, etc) by the virtue of
>     no single part being complex.
> * the Unix way almost guarantees you will do things wrong.  While writing
>   something that works is easy, making it work in corner cases requires
>   serious research every time.  Unlike a streamlined system, there's a
>   twisty maze of little init scripts, all alike -- yet usually with small
>   differences that do matter.  Managing interactions becomes hard.
>   * A monolithic system has a global view of the system, instead of a
>     guerilla war in every corner.

      * But if it ever fails due to a bug within it, $DEITY help you, because
        you're going to have to go through everything mentioned in your first
        point here (save the issues with getting patches accepted)

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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