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Re: Towards multi-arch: "Multi-Arch: same" file conflicts

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 10:55:53AM +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
> As long as the behaviour is always *consistent* across native builds and
> cross-builds, I would be happy with having all .mo files with the same
> endianness. By preference, little endian.

I agree; little-endian is both the most common endianness for current
hardware, and the endianness used by our lowest-end release-supported
hardware, so little-endian would make the most sense.  But the cost of using
big-endian is probably not so high that it would be worth arguing about

> > And is it worth splitting out a -l10n or -data package from a library
> > just so the library itself can be M-A: same?  (I suppose a side benefit
> > is you can use Recommends and cut down a little on the size of your
> > strict Dependency closure.)

> Yes, it is worth having -l10n, -tdeb, -data packages, precisely to get
> the library M-A: same. MultiArch wasn't a consideration when #468209
> was opened or when the TDeb proposal was created in 2008.

No, having to split this data out into separate packages is a significant
cost for maintainers and on the archive and simply the wrong way to do it.
Automatic package splits for the likes of tdebs are fine, but we should not
be forced to split binary packages in the archive for data files such as .mo
files that could readily be made architecture-independent.

> Having at first put a lot of time into generating .mo files which have
> matching endianness to the DEB_HOST_ARCH, I have changed my mind on
> exactly how this should work. Emdebian has tried .mo files which differ
> between architectures and it isn't worth the effort. Santiago was right
> the first time, I was wrong: let gettext deal with the load at runtime
> and don't fuss about the endianness of the file in /usr/share.
> *However*, I think that this means that we *should* make every .mo file
> to always be little endian.

If the .mo files are always little-endian, then there's no need at all to
split the package.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek@ubuntu.com                                     vorlon@debian.org

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