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Re: /tmp as tmpfs and consequence for imaging software

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:21:47 +0100
Didier Raboud <odyx@debian.org> wrote:

> Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> >> I think the problems you describe are quite uncommon. Yes, there are use
> >> cases where tmpfs for /tmp isn't the best solution but I think most
> >> people do not place 1.2GB files in their /tmp and benefit greatly from
> >> tmpfs.
> > 
> > I thought DVD burners were quite common... and almost every desktop or
> > laptop has one. And a DVD is 4GiB when not 7. And usually burning software
> > lets you decide if you want to 1st create an iso and then burn it.
> Given that any burning software can (approximately) determine what size the 
> ISO file will be, it should really not start to write it in /tmp when the 
> /tmp size is not big enough (which the software can also check). Prompting a 
> user with "I will not be able to write ${file} in /tmp, please point me to a 
> location where I can." should not be too much of a problem.

Hi would the real solution be to make /tmp dynamic ?, that would allow for dual layer burning and
blueray, or is that easier said than done.
The other area where a large /tmp is needed is video streaming, especially if you are generating a 
video and putting down a USB port for external encoding to DVB-T or DVB-S., but that's a specialised

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail: richard@g8jvm.com   or   richard.bown@blueyonder.co.uk

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