Re: RFC: usb-modeswitch 1.2.0 release embedding jimtcl
]] Didier Raboud
| Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
| > ]] Didier Raboud
| >
| > | network-manager recommends modemmanager recommends usb-modeswitch.
| >
| > This sounds like the bug, then. Recommends is Β«The Recommends field
| > should list packages that would be found together with this one in all
| > but unusual installations.Β» and I belive that the use of NM/MM with
| > a mobile phone and bluetooth is as common as using a USB dongle or
| > built-in 3g and so a Suggests looks more appropriate.
| usb-modeswitch being mostly useful for 3G USB dongles, I don't understand
| where you want the s/Recommends/Suggests/.
modemmanager shouldn't recommend usb-modeswitch, but suggest it.
Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are
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