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Re: Why do we have to support tmpfs for /var/run (policy changes in 3.8.1)

Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 01:14:51AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>> Ubuntu.  The FHS is silent about directories in /var/run across reboots
>>> but requires that all files in /var/run be deleted on reboot.
>>>> 4.) You have to manually cleanup in postrm. (I guess most packages will forget
>>>> that, leaving cruft around)
>>> If you're creating any files in /var/run during the operation of the
>>> package (and if not, why do you have a directory in /var/run in the first
>>> place?), then you have to do this anyway, so this isn't new.  (Well, I
>>> suppose you could just rely on the next reboot deleting them, but that
>>> doesn't feel very clean and I'm not sure that's really in the spirit of
>>> our requirements.)
>> Not really. Say you have a pretty standard system daemon
>> When the daemon is stopped in postinst, the pid file will be automatically
>> deleted and dpkg will cleanup the remaining /var/run/$foo directory.
> I think he's referring to the fact that the FHS requires all files in
> /var/run to be cleared on boot.  We have an init script
> (/etc/rcS.d/S36mountall-bootclean) that takes care of this at the system
> level, though, on behalf of all packages; the trouble is it's a lot less
> efficient, overall, to have to repeatedly clean /var/run on boot than it is
> to just write it to a tmpfs and let the contents be lost on reboot.

I think that is one of them main questions:

Is it more efficient, to cleanup /var/tmp (i.e. remove everything besides
directories) on boot in a single place (mountall-bootclean), or is it more
efficient to use a tmpfs and let every package create it's run directory on boot.
It's probably hard to tell without proper benchmarking.
What can be said though is, that all packages that need a /var/run/ directory
must be fixed. (for the numbers: maybe a new archive scan with the new lintian
would help to see, how many packages are affected) so it at least requires work
by the maintainers.

>>>> 5.) If your package does not have an init script (I happen to maintain
>>>> two such packages), I now have to create init scripts simply to create a
>>>> /var/run directory. That's insane and even more wasting cpu cycles.
>>> Could you provide more details about what package without an init script
>>> uses /var/run?  The only other case that I can think of is packages that
>>> create transient UNIX-domain sockets.
>> policykit is such an example. Potentially as D-Bus system bus activated system
>> services are affected by this, because they (usually) don't ship any init script.
> $ grep -A4 'start)' /etc/init.d/policykit 
>   start)
>         mkdir -p /var/run/PolicyKit
>         chown root:polkituser /var/run/PolicyKit
>         chmod 770 /var/run/PolicyKit
> 	;;
> $
> That's what I have on an Ubuntu system; why can't the Debian package do the
> same?

Sure it can. But I consider this solution very ugly and refused to do this so
far. For the reasons already mentioned it also makes the (previouly init system
agnostic) D-Bus service dependend on sysv-rc.

> (Yes, this is the only function of this init script.  But still, either you
> create the directories on boot or you have to clean all the files on boot.)
>> We will se such services more and more in the future (like it or not).
> No.  Services that work that way are Doing It Wrong, and we should not
> accept this as inevitable.

Ok, what do you think are they doing wrong: Being started on-demand via D-Bus,
i.e. not shipping a sysv init script?

>> I provided a list of cons of tmpfs (you could probably also add, that it
>> breaks selinux). Is there actually a list of pros?
> "Probably"?  In what case does this break selinux?

I'm not a selinux expert, but I read somewhere, that the security context is
lost, so you'd have to relabel the directory. I don't know, how costly that
operation is (and if this is necessary for a directory in /var/tmp).
Maybe Russell or Manoj can chime in here, if they read this.


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