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Re: Why do we have to support tmpfs for /var/run (policy changes in 3.8.1)

Petter Reinholdtsen dijo [Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 06:42:29AM +0200]:
> Not quite sure what the question is.  As far as I know, Debian
> supported tmpfs mounted /var/run when I become co-maintainer of
> sysvinit, and I have tried to keep it this way.  The only recent
> changes it that it has become easier to enable it.  Very good to
> notice that this now is documented in the policy.
> If you wonder what the advantages of tmpfs in /var/run is, I know of
> several, but do not really have time to track down them all.  One of
> them I care specially about is the fact that it allow a computer to
> boot with a read-only local file system (think diskless workstations
> and thin clients booting LTSP, machines with flash disks and files
> with problems with their file systems), and I believe this is a clear
> advantage.  Having tmpfs there also make it more obvious that the
> content of /var/run/ will be erased at boot.

It does achieve not having bogus information on. If your system
crashed, some crappy daemons will refuse to start if
/var/run/crappyserver.pid exists, or will try to communicate with
their peers using /var/run/sloppydaemon.socket, possibly failing
cleanly, but possibly leading to head-scratching

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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