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Re: Transition of initscripts to new order / sequence number


On Saturday 04 April 2009, Kel Modderman wrote:
> On Thursday 19 March 2009 00:35:06 Jan Wagner wrote:
> > while thinking about how to solve #508189, where I need to change the
> > position of the initscript in bootorder, I thought it would not
> > sufficient to change only the call of dh_installinit in the rules file.
> An update-rc.d interface for this was proposed here [0]. An analogous
> solution would need to be provided for dependency based boot (insserv
> diverts update-rc.d) and any other boot system in Debian which diverts
> update-rc.d.

hmm .. doesn't looks like this is available for now and all other statements 
seems not to lead me to a short-/midterm solution ... so what should I do 
with the bugreport?

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
P.S. Sorry for crossposting. I'm not subscribed to pkg-sysvinit-devel, so 
please keep me in CC.
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