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Generating debian package using cmake (take 3)

Hello there, long time !

  [Take 2 of 'Generating debian package using cmake' has been rated
PJ-13-crude language, so let's try to make a clean sequel]

In take 1, I was generating debian using cmake internal implementation
of debian package, which as most of you know, was doomed to failure
In take 2, I was automagically generating *.install and control files
using cmake components implementation, which as most of you know, was
also doomed to failure,
In take 3, I implemented entirely by hand all the proper debian files,
as can be found here:



Well I was told that this is also a bad idea, and a maintainer should
not include those debian specific file directly in the upstream


So my question is: is this correct ?


If this is correct, I have to exclude the 'debian' directory when
creating a release tarball.
If this is ok to leave the debian directory, should the packager
maintain a diff to the upstream source debian files, or should he/she
just pretend those file are not there ?

After reading:
It seems to me that the package is supposed to be empty of any debian
specific file.


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