Changes to the ddpo-by-mail service
ddpo-by-mail sends monthly emails (one per maintainer), containing a
list of issues in the package that person maintain:
- packages' testing status (is the package in testing? has it been
trying to migrate for a (too) long time?)
- packages build status. Did the package fail to build on some
buildds? (some buildd maintainers don't report bugs in that case,
so the maintainer might not be aware of that)
- RC bugs, release goals bugs
- summary of the DEHS data for the packages (only sent if there are
other "serious" issues to report)
You can have a look at the resulting emails at
Each "subscriber" (well, you are subscribed by default) can
unsubscribe completely, or just for a specific package or bug. Given
that ~500 emails are sent each month, there are relatively few
"unsubscribers" (see [1]). So either most people are happy with those
emails, or people just remove them or filter them out.
I'd like to do the following changes:
- currently, those emails are sent once per month (at the beginning
of each month). Until the lenny release, I'd like to send them twice
per month. (on the 2nd and the 16th of each month -- the 1st of each
month is already mailman day ;)
It will be possible for people to reply to the email and say "I only
want to receive this once per month".
- I'd like to send an email to people subscribed to packages on the
PTS (summary keyword). If you are maintaining packages in Debian,
you will only receive one email, with the info for the packages you
maintain and those you are subscribed to.
This increases considerably the number of emails that I'm going to
send (from ~500 to ~1100), but I think that it's a reasonable thing
to do: people subscribed to packages on the PTS clearly want to be
informed when the packages have problems that might cause them to be
removed from testing.
Unless there's a lot of people telling me "please don't!", I'm going
to do those changes (remember: there's an opt-out mechanism).
| Lucas Nussbaum
| |
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