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Re: Version numbering for security uploads of native packages

Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org> writes:
> Russ Allbery dijo [Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:05:53PM -0700]:

>> 1.0-1sarge1 >> 1.0-1etch1.  We don't have this problem currently
>> because 1.0-1etch1 << 1.0-1lenny1, but we will again at some point in
>> the future, and it would be nice to resolve it once and for all.  Using
>> something based on the Debian release version has the advantage that
>> the version always increases from release to release.  The code names
>> bounce all over the place in version sorting space.

> Umh... With release cycles close to 18 months, this would mean tha,
> being I a bad and lazy maintainer, I didn't touch my native package for
> over three years. Say, version 1.0 was released with Sarge, in 2005. At
> some point in 2006, a serious flaw is addressed via a NMU, so it sits at
> 1.0+sarge1. I still cannot be bothered to take a look at the damn
> package. Time passes. In March 2008 it (again) shows it needs to be
> taken care of, and you kindly prepare a new NMU, properly labeling it
> 1.0+etch1.

> It gets rejected, as it is a lower version.

> I have not touched the package for three years at last. Tell me, don't
> you think this should trigger some QA alarms? At very least, I'd agree
> with you uploading 1.~1+etch1. That way, when I'm finally done with my
> Precious 1.1 release, I can still properly upload it without any fuzz.

Sure, and this is why we haven't seen much problem with this.  I think I
remember only seeing one of these between sarge and etch.  But there was
one, and since it's a simple problem to solve by picking a somewhat more
predictable versioning scheme, it seems worth the minor effort.

There are packages where the only updates between two releases are for
minor things like standards-version or Vcs and Homepage headers that
aren't horribly vital.  They're rare, but they do exist.  I've not
uploaded a new version of sident since the etch release, for example, and
while I plan to do so when I have time to clean up some minor stuff,
nothing would be fundamentally broken about it if I didn't.  It's less
likely that this would happen in combination with non-maintainer or
non-unstable updates that would provoke this versioning, but I can see it

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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