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Re: recent etch upgrade... sashroot (uid=0) started to impersonate uid=0 (root)

>>>>> "Yaroslav" == Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com> writes:

    Yaroslav> Since, I assume, behavior of the system should be
    Yaroslav> preserved while running nscd, this issue is an nscd bug,
    Yaroslav> since nscd changes the way uids get resolved.  Is that
    Yaroslav> correct?

Depends if nscd is required to preserve undocumented behaviour or not.

I really have no opinion on this.

I would guess that nscd has an index by numeric uid and adding the new
user (sashroot) caused the uid=0 entry to be overwritten with the new
sashroot entry, as presumably the developers didn't consider the case
where one numeric uid can belong to many users.
Brian May <bam@snoopy.debian.net>

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