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Re: [proposal] Documenting which revision is installed

[Anthony Towns]
> The main limitation is that it's a nuisance to update -- you can't
> differentiate testing and unstable because of that, eg, and when we're due
> for a release we end up having testing/unstable pretend they're really
> stable already for a while, eg. Updating it more often just makes that
> more of a nuisance.

Why not move the /etc/debian_version file into a separate package, and
for example include the release documentation in that package.  The
package could be called debian-version, and it would make it easier to
keep a separate version in testing and unstable.

The version number and the release notes are in my experience the last
two parts one want to update before a release, and it might make sense
to update those directly into testing, instead of going through sid.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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