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Re: old homepage pseudo-field (future mass-bug filing?)

On 30/11/2007, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> My personal position about this, as well as the current policy for the
> packages maintained by the Games Team, is to have simultaneously both
> the new Homepage header as well as the old pseudo-field in the
> description for a while, until the former is started to be used. In
> any case, we even go a bit longer than that anyway, and keep both for
> a bit longer, to make life easier to backports.

I don't really see the point about doing so, actually. If it has the new
field, it gets discarded by older dpkg w/o any errors. If it hasn't,
what's the problem? p.d.o displays the right information, I believe. And
if someone is skillzzzed enough to install backports, one should be able
to find the Homepage information on p.d.o.

> Maybe it would be useful to have a list of the packages that have the
> old pseudo-field in the description and simultaneously do not have the
> newer field in control.

That sounds way better to me.


Cyril Brulebois

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