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Re: Why no Opera?

icelinux@icelinux.net writes:

>  I do not see the need to do anything other than sign the package and
> drop it into the repository, as it is already completely functional
> for Debian.

I encourage you to try it then. You'll learn a great deal about just
what *is* required to get a package working properly with the tens of
thousands of other packages available for Debian.

Seriously, *anyone* can attempt to package software for Debian, so
there's nothing but pride to be lost by trying. Until then, your
claims of "do not see the need" to do something as part of the Debian
packaging process are entirely hollow.

 \       "The Stones, I love the Stones; I can't believe they're still |
  `\      doing it after all these years. I watch them whenever I can: |
_o__)                             Fred, Barney, ..."  -- Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

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