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Re: Intention to drop sparc32 support for Lenny

>>>>> "Uwe" == Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de> writes:

    Uwe> OK, not being a SPARC expert myself, I'd still like to see a
    Uwe> list of issues or bugs which are worth dropping a whole
    Uwe> sub-architecture.

Well, if I remember correctly, it was the kernel that was the problem.
There is no support for sparc32 in the kernel any more. Or at least,
no major development....

So the primary thing is to be the upstream maintainer for the sparc32
kernel port...

    Uwe> Well, I just saw three or more sparc32 patches being
    Uwe> committed to Linus' git tree today or yesterday, so that may
    Uwe> not be quite correct.

Apparently that is not enough. There is no maintainer for it (that
I know of).
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