Re: A sane guess at default Debian mirror for pbuilder
On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 12:25:50AM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> After 6 years or so of setting as default for
> pbuilder, I'm finally determined that it shouldn't stay like this. So
> I'd like to have some default guessing to happen. Preferably I don't
> want to ask via debconf, since users should have already answered the
> question at installation-time.
I think the most accurate method would be to scan the list of configured apt
sources, and choose the first one which matches the Debian release the user
is currently running (via the information from Releases). If the necessary
API isn't available yet, this could probably be added to python-apt without
too much trouble, and might be useful elsewhere as well.
- mdz
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