Re: spam from
On 25-Apr-07, 11:45 (CDT), Kamaraju S Kusumanchi <> wrote:
> I have been dealing with gcc's bugzilla, KDE's, mozilla's bug
> tracking system etc., I never ever received any spam messages from these
> bug tracking systems. The spam emails seem to come only from BTS. May be we
> can learn from them as to what they are doing (mandatory registration?)
> better.
I'd guess that Bugzilla's mandatory registration is why. OTOH,
Bugzilla's mandatory is why I rarely report bugs for projects that use
Bugzilla. I don't think making it harder for users to report problems is
a good trade-off.
Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world. -- seen on the net
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