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Re: spam from bugs.debian.org


On Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 01:08:32 -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> > Of late, I have been seeing a lot of spam from bugs.debian.org . I never got
> > this many spam emails from BTS. Has something changed?
> Not really; it's just the continuing battle between spammers and Blars
> (and to a lesser extent, the rest of us with owner@ hats). Rules are
> put in place to block spam that gets through. [Just to give you an
> idea of how much spam we do block; every day the BTS discards around
> 4G of non-duplicate spam; I've no idea how much in total we ditch.]
> > How does everyone deal with this (I mean other than filtering)?
> If anyone is doing a substantially better job of filtering than the
> bts is, let owner@bugs.debian.org know; but in general you should just
> see the few spammers who end up being successful.

Same for lists.debian.org. Just to give an impression from yesterdays

  94108   delivery attempts (incoming)
  51598   messages received (in total)
          rest blocked by whatever RBL
  10426	  messages feed to spam search software
          rest already cought by static filtering
   1523   messages tagged as "no spam"
   ~1% of delivery attempts (incoming) is still send out to the lists

If we now say, that out of these 1523 mails, ~150 mails are still spam,
this makes a 0.1% rate of spam that is still deleivired to the lists.

I belive that a rate of 0.1% is quite an acceptable rate, but we
permanently try to lower that. Perhaps we should really propose a "Day
of No Spam-Filtering" on lists.d.o. ;-)

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